Monday, September 29, 2014

Smash Bros. Countdown - #4 - Metroid Series

The Metroid series is easily one of my favorites. They games always have an eerie atmosphere, what with you being alone in space and all. The series follows Samus Aran, a bounty hunter who travels to various planets on various missions and uses her power suit's arm cannon to mow down enemies.

The first game, Metroid on the original Nintendo, saw Samus visit the Planet Zebes, and traverse through the areas known as Brinstar, Norfair, and Tourian in order to defeat the main antagonist group of the series, the Space Pirates. The Space Pirates were cultivating a deadly, parasitic life form known as the Metroids, whose cardinal trait is their ability to suck energy out of living things and their only weakness being extreme cold. The Space Pirates were planning to use those life sucking aliens for intergalactic domination. Samus infiltrated the Space Pirate's base of operation and defeated the three Pirate leaders, Kraid, Mother Brain, and Samus' archrival Ridley.

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He's a dragon in space. That's fucking awesome.

In the end, all traces of Metroids were wiped from Planet Zebes.

If you finish the game fast enough, you would be treated to one of the earliest twists in video game history. You learned that your fearless bounty hunter, who has bee shooting aliens and blowing shit up, was a woman this whole time.

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Oh cool! A strong female prota-- aaaaand she's in a bikini.

The game was later remade in 2004 with the title Metroid: Zero Mission. It added another section to the game in which Samus loses her Power Suit and must pass a trial of the Chozo, an ancient race that once lived on Planet Zebes.

The next game got rid of all the colors in favor of portability. Metroid 2: Return of Samus followed our heroine as she journey to the home world of the Metroid, a planet only known as SR388. The Galactic Federation that regularly employs Samus decided that Metroids are too big of a threat to even exist. So the sent a team of researchers and the like to destroy them and report some of their findings. The Federation lost contact with the team, so another one was sent. One after the other, the teams were disappearing, so the Federation decided that the best person for the job was Ms. Aran herself. Once there, she destroys every single Metroid on the planet. While doing so she notices that on their home planet, they mutate into giant monsters compared to the smaller parasites we had seen prior. Samus eventually finds herself confronted by the Queen Metroid and makes short work of it.

It's like they want us to shoot them with missles.

As Samus leaves the planet, she stumbles across a Metroid egg as it hatches. The baby Metroid believes Samus to be it's Mother and doesn't inherently attack Samus. Samus brings the now domesticated Metroid back to the Federation in the hopes that researchers can learn more about the species.

The third game, Super Metroid for the Super Nintendo, takes place immediately after the last one. Samus visits the colony where she had left the baby Metroid. Research has shown that the Metroid's ability to draw energy into their bodies could be harnessed for good. On arrival, she finds that it had been attacked and the baby had been taken by the Space Pirate, Ridley. She chases him back to Zebes, where she explores the familiar setting once more.

 "This is where I got drunk and peed in the bushes."

She defeats her old pals Kraid and Ridley again, and also squares off with two new Space Pirates, Phantoon and Draygon. She ultimately ends up shooting all kinds of missiles at Mother Brain again in a similar fashion to the first game. The boss goes down, just like the first game, and all seems good. Except, OH SHIT, just kidding, Mother Brain has a new terrifying form that looks like if a Godzilla monster had a baby with a terminator.

Gaming Precision
Metal as fuck.

The new and improved Mother Brain puts up quite a fight and nearly defeats Samus. Things look bleak for our armored friend as Mother Brain charges up a huge laser beam attack. But then, HOLY BALLS, the baby Metroid, now a large normal Metroid, swoops in and takes the full blast. The Metroid then uses it's energy transferring power for good and, rather than suck out energy from Samus, transfers all of the energy from the laser blast into Samus' suit before dying a hero. Samus shoots the balls out of Mother Brain with her newfound laser and escapes the planet as explodes.

Metroid Fusion for the Game Boy Advance saw Samus investigating an abandoned space station. A new parasite simply called the X Parasite had been discovered on the home planet of the Metroids and had gotten stuck on Samus' power suit. The X fused Samus to her suit and it had to be surgically removed. Turns out the only predator of the X was the Metroids, but since Samus single handedly shot every single one with missles in Metroid 2, there wasn't a whole that could be done. One scientist, however, managed to scrape together some cells from the domesticated baby Metroid and was able to slap together a vaccine. 

The vaccine's side effects included the Metroid's weakness to cold, but also let her be able to interact with the X without any problems. Samus learns that the X will copy whatever DNA it attaches to. As a result, she is confronted with genetic copies of aliens, humans, and even a clone of Ridley. As she explores the station she soon finds that she is being pursued by a genetic copy of herself. One that carries the weapon used to destroy Metroids, the Ice Beam, which Samus is now weak to.

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Between running from the copy of herself and trying to figure out what the hell is going on, we learn that the space station is a replica of the SR388 environment, and it was being used to raise Metroids for some of the good purposes that had been discovered. The Samus clone, being made of the thing Metroids eat, is not psyched about that fact and decided to start shooting everything Metroid related.

Samus says, "Fuck this shit" and blows up the entire goddamn space station and flies away. So now the only trace of Metroid DNA resides in Samus' blood, thanks to that vaccine.

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Thanks Obama.

The next three games are all one trilogy, referred to as the Metroid Prime Trilogy. The three games are Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, both for the Nintendo Gamecube, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Nintendo Wii. The games switch gears and make the action seen through Samus' eyes. Gameplay is in a first-person perspective but other than that, the games are still Metroid. There is a fourth game that takes place between the first two called Metroid Prime Hunters, but literally no one has played it and it's pretty much boring filler in terms of story, so who cares.

The Metroid Prime Trilogy has it's own story that fits in between the first game and the second one, but doesn't really impact the story. It's kind of just what Samus was doing between games. What she was doing, was traveling to the planet Tallon IV to check out some disturbance. There she is introduced to a substance called Phazon and sees that the Space Pirates are all about that shit. Turns out that, SURPRISE, it's the Metroid's fault. More specifically, it's Metroid Prime's fault for being the source of the Phazon on Tallon IV. Samus blows it up and walks away, but not before the Metroid Prime absorbs Samus' suit and is reborn as Dark Samus.

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Half Daft Punk, half Tron, all baller.

Metroid Prime 2 sees Samus go to the planet Aether and solve their problem of an evil race called the Ing. Metroid Prime 3 ultimately brings Samus to Phaaze, the source of all the Phazon and blows it up along with Dark Samus.

Don't take the short explanations as me not liking the games. They're fantastic, some of Nintendo's best work, but I like the storyline with the actual Metroids more, and the Prime games are just kind of 'Adventures with Samus' so, not too much story there.

That being said the most recent game, Metroid: Other M, was part of that story line and it's a mess. The game received a lot of criticisms specifically for the story. The gameplay was different from the rest of the series as well, but, personally, I liked the way the game played. Rather than explore a planet and find a bunch of stuff, the game was now shoot everything that moved. That was fun. 

The story though was horse shit.

It sort of seemed like Nintendo had everything wrapped up nicely at the end of Metroid Fusion. No more Metroids, no more Ridley and the Space Pirates, no more anything that had been in the previous games. The Metroid Prime series was able to have it's own thing going on, so you would think that this game would do the same. 


The game is set between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion and the important things are that Metroid cells that were found on Samus' suit were used to genetically recreate Metroids to use for good, but UH OH, I guess some of the cells were from something else, that something else turns out to be Ridley.

So Ridley's alive, I guess.

The Metroids start going apeshit, because someone thought it would be a good idea to engineer them without their weakness to cold, and so Samus quarantines them all in a part of the ship and then blows up that part of the ship.

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"How come every place I go explodes?"

This is where things get retarded.

So, I guess Mother Brain had always been kind of a remote control thing for the Metroids. With out which, they just kind of, do... something else... so they created this android lady, MB. to act as a controller for the fake Metroids. They must not have thought it through, because even with this MB shit, the Metroids still went apeshit.

At the end of the game you fight another Queen Metroid and blow it the hell up, and then ultimately blow up the entire space ship, cuz that seems to be Samus' thing now.

The whole thing with the MB android and all the nonsense about Metroids being all controlled by radio waves or some BS is just stupid. We had these cool, feral, alien parasites that occupied space and for some reason, it was decided that they need radio waves to be more feral. Never mind the fact that we've seen both evil and good Metroids before now. No, now we need some dumb ass robot to control them so we can make them into a bio weapon. As if them sucking your life out of your head wasn't deadly enough.

I don't know. That whole segment of the game was just so weird, I'm not even sure I totally get it.

"Fuck it! Just put a robot lady in here!"

Ridley doesn't even survive the game. By the end, the Queen Metroid sucks his life out. The theory is that his body was moved to the space station in Metroid Fusion and that's how there was able to be a clone of him in that game.

So basically, the game's story just exists because, and at best fills in one tiny plot hole.

Not to mention they made Samus all introspective for some reason. Granted, in her older games, she was silent because 8 to 16 bits were not enough for deep narrative. In Metroid: Other M, they kept giving her monologues and flashbacks showing Samus being a teenager and decided that, as a teenager, she was a piece of shit.


First it's this. Next thing you know, she's telling someone they smell like a butt.

For seemingly no reason, young Samus was all about opposing authority, even though she pretty much joined the military. After a while she grew up, but then became this overly obedient stooge. Throughout the game, your commanding officer will let you use various weapons and stuff. 

He doesn't at first because fuck you.  

There's one part of the game where Samus has to run through a lava filled section. Understandably, it's hot as balls and just being in room takes health away from her. It isn't until you've been running throught this hot ass room for a good 10 minutes does Mr. CO contact you and say, "LOL you can use the heat suit now."

Up until this game, if Samus was dying or something, she would do what she needed to, you know, not die. Here though, she's like "Tee hee, don't wanna break the rules," as her head melts.

Whatever. Aside from the stupid story, the gameplay is alright. 

So that's Metroid. The games are amazing. You get new moves that let you progress further and further into the game and feeling of growing and progressing is really satisfying.

For Smash Bros. 3DS we get Samus, as well a version of her without her Power Suit, called Zero Suit Samus, as playable characters. We also get the area Brinstar, from Planet Zebes, as a stage.
Come out you damn game.

We are just winding down with these write ups. After this there's only three more. THREE. I really want these next few days to just go by fast, but as the next series taught me, I shouldn't try and force it.

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